Claim Application Stages You Want Your Lawyer To Help You Navigate After A Work Injury

If you get injured while working, you should not carry the burden of the losses caused by the accident. Instead, you should file a claim against your employer and get the necessary compensation. With compensation, you can seek quality medical care for your injury. Additionally, the payment will cater to your daily needs during the recuperation period.

However, because of the overwhelming process of applying for the benefits, you should consider working with a worker's compensation lawyer. Their assistance is particularly necessary when navigating the following stages.

When Filing an Injury Report 

You must file an injury report after an accident at work to get compensation. The process starts by informing your employer or manager that you have sustained injuries while working. Then, you should ask them to fill out the necessary documentation and file a report with their insurer. Usually, the law provides a timeline for completing this process. However, some employers can take a long time so that the filing time can elapse. 

In such a situation, your lawyer might suggest filing the report directly with the insurance company to beat the deadline. And since you might not understand the law adequately, your lawyer will handle the negotiations on your behalf. 

When Negotiating for a Settlement

Typically, insurance firms hire experienced negotiators to convince applicants to settle for low offers. For that reason, you need legal help when negotiating a settlement. A lawyer's assistance will shield you against the insurance agents' schemes. 

First, your lawyer will review the offers presented by the insurance company. Essentially, they will only accept an offer similar to or close to their proposed figure. In that case, they will sign the settlement, and the judge will hand out an award letter requiring the insurance firm to compensate you for the stated figure. 

During the Hearing

If the insurance company does not offer a payment equivalent to your losses, your lawyer might suggest filing a lawsuit. Here, the judge will ask you to substantiate your claim using evidence. Your lawyer is vital at this point. They can convince the judge through concrete evidence that you are entitled to various payments. In addition, they will answer the judge's questions accurately and make the right submissions in court since they are proficient in law matters. 

While filing a workers' comp claim yourself is possible, the three stages above might be challenging to handle. Therefore, hiring a worker's compensation lawyer is advisable as they will help you navigate them.
