What To Expect After Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

People decide to seek help from personal injury attorneys at some of the worst times of their lives. Typically, they've been in an accident, have missed work, and need financial help. If you find yourself in such a situation, you may wonder what happens after you've hired such a lawyer.

Below are some of the common situations that occur after you've secured aid from a personal injury attorney.

Personal Discussions

Your new lawyer needs to get to know you on a fairly personal level to help you win your case. Sometimes new clients feel self-conscious about sharing details concerning their pain, both physical and emotional. They may even withhold some medical information because it feels like a private matter.

Naturally, you don't have to disclose anything to your personal injury attorney that you don't want to. However, they can best help you if they have all the pertinent information. Since their job revolves around injuries, they're typically accustomed to hearing about people's pain and medical distress.

Regular Updates

Similarly, you should expect to update your new attorney whenever a relevant situation arises. For instance, personal injury lawyers want to hear about correspondence from the insurance company or legal authority.

Likewise, attorneys try to keep their clients updated. Obviously, they have many clients and related paperwork. So, they might not be able to take or return a call right away. However, they know client interaction is an integral aspect of their jobs.

Financial Help

Your personal injury attorney can offer financial help, typically in the form of advice. People often miss work after a bad injury, and they might not know all the avenues for financial assistance. Such matters are in personal injury lawyers' area of expertise, so they can often advise you.

Such attorneys can also help you navigate all the medical paperwork. Hospitals often employ billing systems that can be confusing. Your attorney can help you stay on top of your medical bills, including how to put a forbearance on them because of hardship.

Debtor Assistance

A similar situation often arises when people can't pay their bills because of loss of income and medical bills — debt collectors start calling. Bills that go unpaid for three to six months usually go to debt collectors. You have rights even when you owe money. Debt collectors often won't inform you of your rights, such as requesting no contact, but your lawyer can.
