Top 3 Reasons Your Personal Injury Case Is Taking Longer Than You Expected

If your personal injury lawsuit is taking longer than you expected it to take, there is probably a very valid reason for the delay. Here are the top three reasons your case may be taking longer than you expected.

Your Attorney Will Need To Do Their Own Investigative Work

Just because you know whom you want to sue and have hired a lawyer does not mean your suit is going to court anytime soon. Before your attorney files your lawsuit and gets the legal process going, your attorney is going to need to spend time investigating your case.

Your attorney is going to need to spend time gathering up the evidence to prove your case in court. Before your attorney officially files your case in court, they are going to want to do as much legwork as possible. They are going to want to look into your accident reports and evidence from the scene. They are going to want to obtain all of your medical records and look over that information as well.

Your Attorney May Be Waiting For You To Reach Maximum Medical Improvement

Before your attorney moves forward with your case, you need to have reached maximum medical improvement, more commonly known as MMI. This is something that only your medical team who is treating you for your injuries can determine.

If you want to be compensated for all of your medical expenses, you need to have reached a point where your medical condition is stable, and your doctors can more accurately determine what type of treatment you will need for the rest of our lives and how much it will cost for your lifetime medical expenses.

Your Attorney May Be Waiting For A Settlement

Before your attorney takes your case to court, they are going to try to reach a settlement with the other driver and with their insurance company. Although this can add another thirty days to the process, if the other driver and their insurance company accept your settlement offer, it can make the whole process shorter. Generally, the other side has thirty days to accept your offer.

If the other party does not accept your settlement offer, you'll have to spend months getting ready for court and going through the legal process. These extra thirty days could end your personal injury suit if your offer is accepted.

A personal injury suit is not a quick fix. Your attorney is going to have to spend time investigating your case, waiting for you to reach MMI, and waiting for a settlement. If you allow your attorney (like those at Kiernan Personal Injury Attorneys PA) to do all the leg work up-front, you may be able to settle your case and end the long legal process.
