Could Your Talcum Powder Be Giving You Cancer?

Can your daily feminine hygiene routine be slowly killing you? If you're a woman who regularly uses talcum powder as an intimate product, it's a possibility that your routine could be dangerous:

What Is Talcum Powder And Why Is It Used?

Talcum powder is made from ground talc, a mineral. Commonly used for infant care and as a feminine hygiene powder, it's comprised mainly of magnesium and silicon and is highly absorbent. Talc's absorbent properties make it excellent for preventing rashes and chafing from sweat, urine, and other bodily fluids.

Women have also used it for years to prevent rashes between their thighs under skirts and in pantyhose. Some studies indicate that 40% of women use talcum powder on a daily basis.

Is Talcum Powder Really Dangerous?

Most people don't realize that talcum powder is actually a toxic substance. If breathed in, it can cause poisoning. However, it's also apparently dangerous in other ways - and the danger has been known for decades.

In 1971, a study indicated a possible link between the use of talcum powder on women's genitals and ovarian cancer. The theory is that the mineral particles travel through a woman's genitals and into her reproductive tract, eventually making their way to the woman's ovaries where they stay.

Several additional studies seem to back up the link. The most recent study, in 2013, showed as much as a 30% increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who regularly used talcum powder for their hygiene care.

Why Is Talcum Powder Still Being Used?

Major manufacturers of talcum powder claim that the product is safe and insist that they have their own studies to back up their claims. Also, the formula that was once used to create the talcum powder used by women has changed over the years.

In the past, the formula used to contain small amounts of asbestos. Asbestos is a natural substance that's been used in numerous products over the years, long before anyone realized that it wasn't safe. Asbestos is a known cancer-causing agent in humans, and studies do indicate that talcum powder containing asbestos causes cancer.

However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) says that talcum powder without asbestos only possibly causes cancer in humans when used on the genitals.

Since it's not entirely clear whether or not the use of talcum powder presents a risk of ovarian cancer, experts suggest switching to a cornstarch-based personal hygiene product instead.

What If You Have Developed Ovarian Cancer?

Lawsuits against major manufacturers of talcum powder started being filed in 2013 and have been growing in number. If you had or have ovarian cancer after a lifetime of using talcum powder as part of your daily routine, consider contacting a personal injury lawyer to discuss your case.

To learn more, contact a company like Denali Law Group with any questions you have.
